Selling Your Distressed Property

Distressed Property Solution


Selling a fixer upper is one thing, but selling distressed property can be, well, distressing! 


Along with all of the baggage that comes with a traditional home sale, you also have to consider the damages, repairs, and level of difficulty to sell these types of properties.


A distressed property is a home or other property type that has serious problems, including:

  • Major structural damage and/or problems
  • Located in an undesirable or underdeveloped area
  • Needs many costly repairs

The key to selling distressed property is to do it fast and do it in cash


Since repairs and damages can increase in cost over time, selling fast can reduce the extent of damages that will occur on site. For you, this means you’ll probably get more money for the property.


Not to mention, selling for cash is almost a necessity for selling distressed properties. Why? Because many distressed properties won’t qualify for a mortgage.


Luckily, you’ve found Growing Edge Properties. We’re real estate experts who specialize in fast home sales with straightforward cash offers. We work with off market sales, inherited houses, and wholesale homes — many of which include distressed properties.


Instead of facing foreclosure or mounting expenses, we’ll give you a fair and fast cash offer. You won’t need to worry about hidden fees or slow-moving deals.


Unlike other companies or home buying services, Growing Edge Properties puts you first. We want to be your solution, not something else to add to your problems. 


No matter the real estate problem, Growing Edge Properties can be your solution.

Contact us to get more information on how we offer cash for homes… and fast. We look forward to working with you!


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